
技术编号:15296064 阅读:73 留言:0更新日期:2017-05-11 13:40

Aerosol characteristic parameter sensing method based on dual wavelength scattering signal and its application

The present invention relates to a sensing method based on the aerosol characteristic parameters of dual wavelength scattering signal and its application, and belongs to the technical field of fire alarm. The method of light scattering by the receiving optical power of two wavelengths, calculating the aerosol surface area concentration and volume concentration, aerosol (Sauter) obtained Sauter mean diameter, compared with the corresponding threshold, thus make the corresponding fire alarm signal. By this method, not only can judge the Sauter mean diameter of aerosol particle size, so as to identify whether there is a fire, a fire alarm timely and correctly or prompt the non fire signal and interference factors; the aerosol surface area concentration and volume concentration of aerosol was judged to be characteristic parameters detection, and to judge a kind of fire alarm signal, in order to take reasonable measures for the.





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