
技术编号:15295941 阅读:116 留言:0更新日期:2017-05-11 13:27

Radio frequency discovery method, chip and device

The embodiment of the invention discloses a radio frequency discovery method, relates to the first device and the second device, the first device is provided with at least two applications, when the user in the at least two applications chose the first application, near field communication controller in the first device to get the support of the application of RF technology to determine at least one to use RF technology from the first application support RF technology, RF technology for detection of the first order and then sending and receiving equipment, including second, when to use RF technology RF technology first, to second of the detection device sends a command response message; when using RF technology does not include the first RF, it is determined not to send a response message to the test command, which can improve the probability of the user application was to end the second devices successfully selected in the first equipment, And then to speed up the process of radio frequency discovery, improve the efficiency of radio frequency discovery and save the cost of resources.





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