The utility model provides a printing device charging roller or the developing roller tube forming die comprises an upper cover plate, the middle die and the bottom plate; in the mould is composed of a plurality of a regular distribution of mold pipe welding or tight fit or glue in fixed mold tube between the fixed plate and the fixed plate through a pipe die, die pipe fixing plate and the upper cover plate through the guide pin guide coordination connected pipe mould fixing plate through the guide column under the guide sleeve and the bottom plate of the ligand connected side end is provided with a feeding hole communicated with the feeding hole through the material channel and the glue pool and the bottom end of the pipe die. The printing device charging roller or the developing roller tube mold, a plurality of charging roller or the developing roller can be formed in one implementation, greatly improving the efficiency of charging roller or the developing roller production, and on the cover, tube between the mold fixing plate and the bottom plate are connected through guide posts or guide set with positioning, on the cover plate and the bottom plate are respectively provided the positioning blind holes or the positioning holes at the lower end of the core shaft, increase in the actual production process of liquid polymer and metal core shaft concentricity and the outer circle size of pipe mould.
诸如激光打印机、传真机、复印机等采用电子照相成像原理的设备,成像于介质的过程都是通过充电、曝光、消电、显影、转印、定影等步骤完成的。通常在设备中采用一个可折装的显影装置,图像形成过程如下,首先通过一只充电辊对感光鼓表面进行充电,在感光鼓表面形成一层均匀且电位适当的电荷,之后曝光,感光鼓表面曝光部位电荷消失,形成一静电潜像,再由与之临近的显影辊提供碳粉,将静电潜像转变成一可见图像,之后经转印、定影,将可见图像在打印纸等记录介质上固定下来。成像质量与上述过程中涉及的部件均有关联,充电辊和显影辊的质量好坏也是保证成像质量的重要因素,其对感光鼓充电的技术指标则取决于其结构。充电辊或者显影辊通常具有这样的结构,中间为一导电性良好的金属芯棒,在金属芯棒外面包覆一层导电或半导电的发泡或不发泡的橡胶弹性层。对于橡胶弹性层的充电辊或者显影辊,成型可采用挤出法,首先将橡胶等物质混炼均匀,通过橡胶挤出机由管状口模将其挤出,然后进行硫化成橡胶管,再将橡胶管分切成指定长度,将金属芯棒固定在橡胶管中,之后还须通过打磨上涂层等工序才能制得充电辊。也可采用模压成型法来成型加工,模具呈两瓣分型结构,橡胶混炼均匀后通过注射机,注射到预放芯轴的两瓣成型模腔中,加热预硫化,将包上橡胶的半成品从成型模腔中取出,二次硫化,对该橡胶辊进行研磨,涂覆外涂层。采用该成型加工方法,效率较挤出法稍高一些。但是目前模压成型法通常采用单腔或少腔模压成型,模具结构简单,定位精度差,每次只能模压成型一根或几根充电辊或 ...