A semiconductor device of soft metal screws operation protection tooling, plastic or other non metal material cylinder, cylinder with end of material removal in the form of thin walled cylinder, a straight shaped or cross shaped groove is matched with the convex nail head cylinder is arranged at the bottom and the other end of the nickel screw, a cross shaped or cylindrical. Slot is used to remove material to form a tool tip with a screwdriver or other rotary screw matching. The invention relates to a nickel metal screw head with a screwdriver or other tool are separated, and a screwdriver or other tool torque stable transferred to the rotation of the nail head nickel screw. One end of a screwdriver or other tool contact and embedded soft metal screws operation protection tool, the other end of the structure characteristics of the soft metal screws operation protection tooling is embedded nickel screw head, rotating screwdriver or other tool, with soft metal nickel screw screw operation protection tooling rotation rotation, until the nickel screw lock, remove the soft metal screws can protect tooling operation.
现有的半导体镀膜设备,由于反应腔体中通常使用强腐蚀物质对腔体内表面附着的薄膜进行刻蚀,所以腔体中零件或零件表面就要选用不会被所述强腐蚀物质侵蚀的材料。如等离子增强型化学气相沉积设备中,采用等离子发生器将三氟化氮气体中的氟元素处理成氟离子通入腔体来刻蚀附着在反应腔腔体内表面的薄膜,氟离子有极强的腐蚀性,反应腔腔体或腔体中零件材料往往使用金属铝或陶瓷等不会受到氟离子腐蚀的材料。而且,等离子增强型化学气相沉积设备中,也需要在腔体中的上电极零件加载射频电压,考虑到这些工艺条件,腔体中的螺钉就不适宜使用普通的不锈钢材料,不锈钢材料会受到氟离子侵蚀形成颗粒,不锈钢材料电性能也不适宜在反应腔中存在。目前,行业中通常使用金属镍材料螺钉来代替不锈钢材料螺钉,金属镍材料螺钉即不受氟离子腐蚀,导电性能也符合工艺条件要求。但是,金属镍材料相对不锈钢材料较软,而改锥或其他工具尖端通常使用相对硬度较大的结构钢材料,显然,在使用改锥或其他工具对镍螺钉进行旋入旋出操作时,坚硬的改锥或其他工具尖端极容易划伤金属镍材料的螺钉,同时,若金属镍螺钉钉头使用贯通的一字型槽,改锥的一字型尖端会在其中来回窜动,容易滑出镍螺钉钉头一字形槽,磕碰到螺钉孔所在的相关零件造成划伤。这些镍螺钉上的或相关零件上所形成的划伤、毛刺或尖端突起,没有及时进行修复或更换而被安装到如等离子增 ...