The utility model relates to a first metatarsal bone double bone locking bone plate, which belongs to the technical field of bone plate. Including the main locking plate (1), (1) the main locking plate positioning Kirschner wire on the groove (2), gram needle (3), which is characterized in that the locking plate body (1) into the shape, it includes a proximal transverse section of the proximal end of the distal transverse section (4) and distal (5) and the middle longitudinal transition plate (6); the proximal transverse section (4) is arranged on the base of the locking hole (7), the transition plate (6) is arranged on the cadres (9), distal locking hole (5) is arranged on the transverse section of distal locking hole (8). The utility model overcomes the defects of the existing technology, it will not interfere with the metatarsophalangeal and tarsometatarsal joint, and good stability, without using the plaster, will not be lost, orthopedic angle osteotomy fixation loosening, nonunion, metatarsal head rotation, joint stiffness and other complications.
拇外翻是足部常见的畸形之一,具体是指拇趾向外偏离了中线,向外倾斜的角度大于15°,常伴有第一跖骨内翻、拇趾轴向旋转的复杂畸形。病发初期很少引起人们关注,但随着时间和年龄增长,拇外翻可逐渐加重,最终出现拇囊处疼痛、肿胀,足底痛性胼胝,穿鞋、行走困难,严重影响患者日常生活。1836年由Gernet最早报道了拇外翻的手术治疗,其后一直处于探索阶段,术式层出不穷,据统计矫正拇外翻畸形的术式不下于150种,随着对足部力学和第一跖趾关节病理的进一步研究,大多数踇外翻术式由于弊大于利而被摒弃,一些经典术式则得到不断改良。截骨术是目前最为常用的矫正拇外翻畸形的术式,根据截骨部位的不同,主要分为近节趾骨截骨术、第一跖骨远端截骨术、第一跖骨干部截骨术、第一跖骨基底部截骨术、第一楔状骨截骨术、跖趾关节成形术等,对于中度拇外翻病例,如果选择得当,一般可以取得较好的疗效。而对于重度拇外翻而言,临床上常表现为拇外翻角(halluxvalgusangle,HVA)、第一、二跖骨间角(intermetatarsalang1e,IMA)、第一跖骨远端关节面角(distalmetatarsalarticularangle,DMAA)同时异常。目前临床常用的单处截骨手术虽能矫正第一、二跖骨间角,但矫正力度不足。第一跖骨基底楔形开放截骨纠正第一、二跖骨间角力度较强,但与上述其它单处截骨一样,对拇外翻角及第一跖骨远端关节面角没有直接矫正作用,在降低了第一、二跖骨间角的同时,客观上加重了趾骨外翻角度,往往需要辅助第一近节 ...