The invention relates to a production method of a class a fire insulation material as a thermal insulation layer system. The invention relates to the technical field of external thermal insulation and energy saving and emission reduction of building engineering, in particular to a class of exterior wall external insulation class a fire retardant and fire insulation system. The A-class fire insulation layer construction system from the wall can be a fireproof rock wool, mineral wool, glass wool, phenolic resin and other excellent insulation materials, exterior wall safe, firm and reliable application to building insulation, cold storage, sandwich board, can effectively reduce the amount of time, do not pollute the environment, prevent fire, and avoid the wall cracking peeling falling etc.. According to different needs, the synthesis of a fireproof insulation system with adhesive or adhesive mortar, and calcium silicate board, aluminum veneer, sandwich panels, photovoltaic thin film power board decorative layer into an organic whole, made of different sizes of the finished insulation composite board or directly used as insulation system applied to the building the exterior wall.
当今全国建筑保温良莠不齐,质量差,防火阻燃性能一直不太理想,施工工艺不完善可靠,经常出现外墙保温被大风成片吹落,以及剥离掉落砸伤路人,发生大量的由于保温材料燃烧起火造成的火灾,给国家人民带来了惨痛的财产损失和人员伤亡。像在建筑外墙保温中,很多开发商、业主采用低级防火的聚苯板、挤塑板材料作为保温层,由于挤塑板、聚苯板与抹面砂浆的收缩应力相差很大,时间一长,砂浆与保温层之间逐渐剥离,发生掉落,砸伤路人的例子不计其数,同时还形成火灾事故。以及冷库、夹芯板普遍采用的是聚苯板,经常发生严重火灾,给国家社会造成了不可估量的生命财产损失,这样会严重影响外墙保温材料在我国的发展与推广,现在这种以A级防火的保温材料为保温层体系的生产方法很好的解决了这个问题。未来A级防火保温体系在外墙保温的应用将是大势所趋,逐渐全部取代防火等级低的保温材料,具有显著的经济和社会效益。1)目前建筑外墙大多采用挤塑板XPS作为墙体保温材料,其重量小,成本低,然而挤塑板与粘接砂浆短期内粘接的强度效果比较好,但是时间一长,其粘接面应力系数相差较大,产生裂缝发生墙体剥落,不能与粘接砂浆长期有效结合;再加之挤塑板与墙体之间形成的空腔缝隙,墙体温度的变化导致空气的膨胀收缩,更易造成保温板与粘接砂浆的剥离脱落。2)采用挤塑板XPS作为墙体保温材料,只能达到B1级,但厂家为了节省成本,少添加阻燃剂,目前市场上大多挤塑板很难有阻燃效果,与聚苯板XPS一样都是易燃的保温材料,而且防火性能真正能达到B1 ...