The invention belongs to the technical field of fruit tree cultivation, and relates to a solution for the precise acid adjustment and supplement of the blueberry root domain and a method for using the same. The complement of acid acid solution as sulfate sulfur powder mixed solution, the solution by the pH value of 3.8 5 sulfuric acid solution and nano sulfur powder. The sulphuric acid solution prepared by the invention has the advantages that the sulfuric acid solution can make the acid regulating acid supplement effect fast, and the sulfur powder can supplement the loss of the acid in the soil under the action of the sulfur bacteria, so that the acid regulating and acid adding effect is lasting. Through the application of self-made liquid device overcomes the defects, extensive adjustable acid method brings, can according to different varieties of blueberry root domain precise acid adding acid, reduce waste, avoid overall land acidification; design of automatic watering device can be readily conical on the soil acidication, do not harm the blueberry root; the operation is convenient, not there are technical problems, to increase the yield and quality of blueberry, improve the level of precision management, and promote the rapid development of blueberry industry, has important significance to improve the industrial layout.
蓝莓是杜鹃花科越桔属多年生小灌木树种,果实可食用,且富含花青素,在营养、保健和医药等方面有重要价值。近年来,随着消费市场对蓝莓的需求量不断增加,我国蓝莓种植业也得到了快速发展,已遍布黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、山东、贵州、浙江、江苏、四川等20余个省市和自治区。蓝莓喜欢酸性土壤,对土壤酸度要求十分苛刻,因此蓝莓种植中的土壤调酸是关键技术之一。蓝莓适宜在pH值3.8-5.5的酸性土壤中生长,不同蓝莓品对pH的要求稍微有些差异,如矮丛蓝莓要求土壤pH值在4.3-5.2之间,高丛蓝莓则为4.5-4.8,土壤pH值过低或过高都会影响蓝莓植株的正常生长。蓝莓自身的需酸特性,限制了它的种植范围。北京、河北、河南和陕西等不少地区均出现了因土壤调酸不符合要求导致失败的案例。我国可种植蓝莓的土壤多为弱酸性,需降低土壤pH值才能满足蓝莓生长的需求。当前被多数蓝莓种植户接受的调酸方法是在土壤中混入一定量硫磺粉来降低pH值。硫磺粉施入土壤后,被硫化细菌氧化成硫酸酐,硫酸酐再转化为硫酸,硫酸起到了调节pH值的作用。实施方式为栽前调酸:种植蓝莓苗前,以人力把一定量硫磺粉遍撒在地表,通过犁地让硫磺粉和土壤混合,然后挖坑种植蓝莓苗。事实上,生产实践已经证明粗放式的调酸方法存在很大的局限性,具体表现在:(1)满地遍撒、混合硫磺粉的方法没有充分考虑蓝莓根幅小,垂直分布较浅的特点,浪费严重,成本高;(2)硫磺粉易板结,与土壤混合不均匀,容易导致蓝莓烧根;(3)易导致整片土地酸化,影响以后改种其他农作物 ...