The invention relates to a plaster wall on the material conveying equipment, in particular relates to a plaster wall on the conveyor, which comprises a feed hopper, feeding tube, vertical installation and discharging, on the bottom of the barrel on the left side is provided with a feed inlet, the inlet is arranged on the inclined to install into feed, feed off end is provided with a hopper is communicated with the hopper is arranged at the lower end of the bucket frame; a feeding cylinder is arranged at the bottom of the motor cylinder, lower motor cylinder provided with a base, the base is fixed and installed on the horizontal ground through bolts, on top of the barrel is provided with the motor cylinder is arranged inside the dome; the drive motor, the drive motor is arranged on the top of the motor shaft is arranged at the bottom part of the motor seat; the motor shaft is connected with the top feed rod, the feeding rod is provided with a spiral blade on the top right, the barrel is provided with a discharge port, discharging port A feeding rack is arranged at the lower part of the discharging channel. The invention has the advantages of better transmission efficiency and continuous feeding, and has better practical value.
石膏板隔墙用石膏薄板或空心石膏条板组成的轻质隔墙,可用来分隔室内空间,具有构造简单,便于加工与安装的特点。19世纪末,各国开始用石膏板材做内隔墙,是一种国际上产量较大和应用较广的轻质建筑材料。这种隔墙通常采用钢木龙骨做骨架,并可根据使用要求,配以其他材料(如矿棉板、防水涂料和装饰面材等)组成有隔声、防水或高级装修要求的隔墙。20世纪70年代,中国开始对纸面石膏薄板和空心石膏条板进行试验与生产,并在建筑工程中应用。石膏板隔墙种类目前中国的石膏板有:纸面石膏板、纤维石膏板和空心石膏条板三种。①纸面石膏板是以石膏为芯材,两面覆纸增强而制成的轻质薄板;②纤维石膏板是以石膏为胶凝材料,用各种有机或无机纤维(如纸纤维、草木纤维、玻璃纤维等)作为增强材料而制成的轻质薄板,厚为8~12毫米,重为7~9公斤/米2;③空心石膏条板,也是以石膏为胶凝材料,掺合各种轻质材料或增强纤维(如膨胀蛭石、膨胀珍珠岩、玻璃纤维等)制成的空心隔墙板,厚60~100毫米,墙重40~60公斤/米2。纸面和纤维石膏薄板需要用钢、木、石膏龙骨为骨架组成隔墙。空心石膏条板因其本身具有一定刚度,不需骨架就可组成隔墙。石膏板材便于切割加工,但也容易损坏,因此在运输及安装过程中需要专用机具。施工安装时,为保证拼缝不致开裂,应注意板缝位置安排,拼缝处须用专用胶结材料妥善处理。石膏板隔墙的功能①隔声。用薄板组成的双层分离式隔声墙和空心条板组成的双层隔声墙,其隔声效果约相当于24厘米厚的砖墙,隔声指数可达40~50分贝。②防火。 ...