The utility model discloses a multifunctional wireless charger, which comprises a base, followed by the first end to end support plate and second supporting plate and third support plates, and the base, a first supporting plate and second supporting plate and third supporting plate is integrally connected; the base is connected with the first supporting plate into a \V\ shape, and the formation of a the angle between 1 and second; the first support plate supporting plate into the shape of \L\ connection, and form an included angle alpha 2; second support plates and third support plates with damping is connected to third support plates in second support plate reciprocating rotating a certain angle, so as to realize the mobile device support, and through the rotation the damping shaft can provide users with the best viewing angle, the use of more flexible and convenient, in addition, the base scheme of multifunctional wireless charger is equipped with wireless charging receiver and mobile power A wireless charging transmitter is arranged in the first supporting plate and the third supporting plate, so as to realize the requirement of simultaneous charging of two mobile devices.
随着电子行业的发展,便携式电子设备,如手机、电子书等已得到广泛的应用。现有的便携式电子设备的充电装置分为两种:有线充电装置与无线充电装置。相比之下,无线充电装置使用更为方便。无线充电装置也就是人们通常说的“无线充电宝”,是可以直接给移动设备充电且自身具有电存储单元的装置,相当于一个充电器和备用电池的混合体,相比备用电源而言可以简化一个充电插头的装置,而相比于充电器它又自身具有存电装置,可以在没有直电源或外出时给数码产品提供备用电源,使用较为方便。但现有充电宝的功能较为单一,仅能进行充放电,且无其他附加功能,因此,在智能设备(如智能手机)日新月异的今日,已经不能满足人们的日常需要了。例如,目前市场上的无线充电宝,由于结构的限制,手机在充电时,无外力作用下是水平放置无线充电器上,且该无线充电器无法对手机起支撑的作用,如果用户在充电过程中需要查阅手机信息或者观看电影时就必须另配支架或者用手托起,不仅会使用户产生疲劳,而且不能满足用户最佳观看角度,也给工作及驾驶车辆过程中的用户带来了不便。另外,目前,用户在移动环境下往往会随身携带多个电子设备,如两部或两部以上手机等,当两部或两部以上电子设备需要充电时,用户通常是使用无线充电器先给一部电子设备充电,待充电完,再给另一部电子设备充电,充电时间太长,且充电过程用户不能同时使用无线充电器对两部电子设备充电。针对这个问题,大部分用户会使用两个无线充电器对两个电子设备同时进行充电,携带两个无线充电器会给在移动环境下的用户带来不便,数量多,容易丢失。也就是 ...