
技术编号:15233785 阅读:378 留言:0更新日期:2017-04-28 02:38

Radio frequency remote unit, receiver and base station

The embodiment of the invention discloses a radio remote unit, receiver and base station, relating to the technical field of communication can reduce the number of receive channels, thereby reducing the volume of the receiver, in order to facilitate the miniaturization of the base station, and can reduce the cost of deployment of the receiving channel. The specific program: the radio remote unit includes at least one receiving channel of the first, the second oscillator module, oscillator module, the vibration switch and controller of each receiving channel comprises a first receiving channel and second receiving channels; wherein, each receiving channel for receiving in each channel includes a filter module, the filter module is connected with the mixing module, and is connected with the mixing module of the digital processing module; mixing module first receiving channel connected with the first local oscillator module; second channel mixing module connected through the isolation switch and the first local oscillator module and second local oscillator module; controller for receiving the base station sends the work mode. The vibration control and switching the switch.

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