The invention discloses a method for inhibiting the melting of a rail gun armature. This method is used to design the pre acceleration rail gun, which is composed of a pre acceleration gun and a main gun. The pre acceleration gun is placed in front of the main gun, and each time the armature is fired, the armature is accelerated to 20%. After the initial motion driven current armature obtain the counter electromotive force generated can reduce the railgun in the main rail gun, get the contact resistance distribution of armature Joule heating can improve the velocity of main rail guns in time and space, shorten the time of movement in the main armature railgun in, thereby reducing the resistance of Joule heat power of armature and rail contact and the armature of the heat accumulation effect, inhibit the effect of armature melting. The invention has the advantages of good effect of the armature melting inhibition, and provides an effective solution for suppressing the melting of the armature during the launch of the railgun.
电枢在电磁轨道发射装置的轨道内加速时,电枢与轨道接触面的焦耳热和摩擦热使电枢发生熔化,电枢熔化给电枢发射带来不利影响。抑制电枢熔化有利于提高发射精度和可靠性,最终达到提高电磁轨道发射装置性能的目的。电枢熔化的本质是电枢接触点温度超过材料熔点时材料由固态变为液态的过程。电枢在轨道内加速过程中,能够产生热量的物理效应主要包括电流焦耳热效应、电枢克服接触面摩擦力做功。对电枢发射过程中的接触电阻焦耳热和摩擦热进行了理论分析和实验测定的结果表明:接触电阻焦耳热产生量要远大于摩擦热产生量(MotesD,KeenaJ,WomackK,etal.Thermalanalysisofhigh-energyrailguntests[J].IEEETransactionsonPlasmaScience,2012,40(1):124-131.)。这说明接触电阻焦耳热对电枢熔化的影响要远大于摩擦热,因此,若能降低接触电阻焦耳热功率则能抑制电枢熔化。目前,抑制电枢熔化主要有优化电枢构型、延长放电时间和外场增强磁场等。对改进的C形电枢进行的发射实验表明,马鞍形电枢能够减弱速度趋肤效应带来的电流过度集中,起到一定的抑制电枢熔化作用。优化电枢构型可以在一定程度上避免焦耳热过度集中,但是对电枢熔化的抑制效果有限(ZhangYa-Dong,RuanJiang-Jun,HuYuan-Chao,etal.Ablationandgeometrychangestudyofsolidarmatureinarail ...