The invention relates to an artificial stone material and a method for producing the same. The invention uses phosphorus slag to produce artificial stone in two ways: 1. phosphorus slag powder, unsaturated polyester resin and common urea formaldehyde resin are combined, and artificial stone is formed under the condition of room temperature at three. 2. phosphorus slag powder is combined with urea formaldehyde resin cured under alkaline condition, and interacts with each other to form artificial stone at room temperature. Inorganic or organic fiber materials and lightweight materials may be added to the above materials during the manufacture. The above two man-made stone all have the fire prevention, the water resistance, the hard wear-resisting, the light quality, the heat insulation, the sound insulation function. It can make building wall components, make furniture, and make paint, which is widely used in the construction field. Can also be used as packaging materials and manufacturing arts and crafts.
本专利技术属建筑材料类,是。磷矿渣是磷化工业排放的废渣,为灰白色多孔颗粒,质轻,主要矿物组成是非结晶假硅灰石,与天然硅灰石(CaoSio4)性质相似,其中含有SiO240%左右,CaO40%左右,还含有F、Al2O3、Fe2O3、MgO、K2O、Na2O、P2O5、SO3等化学成分,这些成份以复杂的硅化物、磷化物、氟化物等形式存在。磷矿渣内含有可溶性碱,PH9左右。磷矿渣与天然硅灰石一样,可以作为陶瓷的熔剂原料,生产轴面砖。但磷矿渣中混有碳,并含有水溶性碱,所以需经过特殊处理才能使用,因此限制了它的使用。磷矿渣也可掺于水泥熟料中作为水泥辅料,但用量有限。磷化工业生产1t黄磷,就产生7t左右的磷矿渣,由此可以推算废渣排放量之大。据调查在我国昆明市周边的磷化工厂每年就排放100多万t。磷化工业每年大量排放的磷矿渣未能被利用。因磷矿渣中含有可溶性磷化物、氟化物等会对环境造成污染,所以只能依照环境保护法,在山洼旷野中定点集中堆放。这种处理,既占用了宝贵的土地,仍对水源造成威胁。本专利技术以两种简单易行的方法,将磷矿渣生产成人造石材,变废为宝。方法1以磷矿渣同普通脲醛树脂与不饱和聚脂树脂的混合料相结合,互相作用,结果便可以于室温下快速硬固,形成人造成石材。普通脲醛树脂,是木材人造板工业所使用的在酸性条件下加热固化的木材胶粘剂。使用较为普遍。单独用这种脲醛树脂与磷矿渣结合不会固化,只有在这种脲醛树脂中加入不饱和聚脂树脂,并加入足够量的磷矿渣粉,在磷矿渣粉的作用下,才能于室温下与不饱和聚脂树脂一起快速固化,而三者共同形成一种人造石材。不饱和聚脂树脂为溶剂型树脂,而 ...