In the invention, iron ore powder, barite powder, quartz sand, gypsum powder, rosin and industrial alcohol as raw materials, developed Tiejing sand cement rock similar material. Among them, iron ore powder, barite powder and quartz sand as aggregate, and the preparation of rosin alcohol solution as cementing agent, gypsum powder as modifier. The iron ore powder, barite powder, quartz sand, gypsum powder and rosin alcohol solution according to the provisions of the proportion of weighing and mixing, the mixing well into the steel mould, and in the press under certain pressure to the mixture compaction, then the specimen mold pressing apart, removed, placed after drying at room temperature 2 ~ 3 days. The mechanical parameters test shows that the material has the advantages of high bulk density, wide range of mechanical parameters, simple production process, short drying time, cheap and easy to obtain, no toxic side effects, and repeated use. It can be widely used in the field of energy, transportation, water conservancy, mining and other fields of geotechnical engineering, mechanical model test research, wide application prospects, significant economic benefits.
进入新世纪,随着国民经济的持续发展和西部大开发战略的实施,我国迎来了大规模工程建设的高峰期,如三峡、南水北调、西气东输、西电东送、青藏铁路等大型工程的开工建设一方面对加快我国国民经济发展,提高人民生活水平和保持社会可持续发展起到了重大的促进作用,同时开发这些大型工程项目将面临大量的岩土开挖,涉及许多有关岩土强度破坏、变形失稳和加固处理的问题。对这些的复杂问题,一方面要借助理论分析、计算机数字模拟方法去研究,另一方面,更多地要借助岩土地质力学模型试验手段来解决。地质力学模型是真实物理实体的再现,在基本满足相似原理的条件下,能够真实地反映岩土介质的基本物理力学特性。要进行地质力学模型试验,必须有与岩土介质物理力学特性保持相似的相似材料,目前有关岩土相似材料的研究现状如下《武汉水利电力大学学报》1997年第2期介绍了一种由重晶石粉、胶膜铁粉和松香酒精溶液搅拌混合而成的相似材料,简称MIB材料。该材料的显著特点是其弹性模量能够根据胶膜厚度进行调整,其缺点是作为铁粉胶粘剂的氯丁胶含有甲苯,对人体的毒副作用较大。《广东土木与建筑》2002年第12期介绍选用水泥石膏作为岩石模拟材料,通过大量的水泥石膏室内试验,对水泥石膏相似材料的物理力学性能进行了研究。此类材料的特点是价格低廉、易于加工制作,但模型干燥慢、养护时间长,材料不能重复利用。《水力发电学报》2004年第1期介绍了一种NIOS地质力学模型材料,它由磁铁矿精矿粉、河砂、粘结剂石膏或水泥、拌和 ...
一种铁晶砂胶结岩土相似材料,它是由铁矿粉(Ironorepowder)、重晶石粉(Blancfixpowder)、石英砂(Sand)、石膏粉(Gypsumpowder)、松香酒精(RosinandAlcohol) 溶液按照规定的配比均匀混合搅拌而成的一种复合材料。