The invention discloses a method for producing forsterite refractory material by using iron tailings. The method of iron tailings and light burned magnesium become mixed material, iron tailings and light burnt magnesia mixture in the molar ratio of nMgO / N (SiO: 2 + R: 2 O: 3) in 2 ~ 2.50. The mixture is made of olivine clinker, burnt waste and bond, and stirred with water outside. Finally, the molding, drying, heat preservation and firing of forsterite refractory. The invention makes full use of solid waste - iron tailings; production of raw materials without calcining and crushing of iron tailings and light burned magnesium synthesis of forsterite in FeO 1 ~ 4% lower than natural olivine, fireproof performance is significantly improved; the method of producing forsterite refractory material, and can produce forsterite light insulation refractory material.
本专利技术提供了一种采用铁尾矿和轻烧镁粉生产镁橄榄石耐火材料的方法,该方法原料来源广泛,生产过程简便,产品质量高。本专利技术采用的技术方案是a.将铁尾矿与轻烧镁粉混合成为混合料,其配比要保证制品中全部SiO2和MgO转化为2 MgO·SiO2及所有R2O3转化为高耐火矿物。铁尾矿与轻烧镁粉的混 ...
一种采用铁尾矿生产镁橄榄石耐火材料的方法,其特征在于该方法包括以下内容:a.将铁尾矿与轻烧镁粉混合成为混合料,铁尾矿与轻烧镁粉的混合料中摩尔比nMgO/n(SiO↓[2]+R↓[2]O↓[3])在2.00~2.50之间;b. 混合料中加入混合料重量的0~50%的镁橄榄石熟料,0~15%的可烧失物,0~4%的结合剂混合,外加5~50%的水搅拌均匀;c.将上述配料混匀,采用压制、振动、浇注或手工捣打中的一种方法成型,成型的坯体在80~110℃下干燥5~24小 时,在500~600℃下保温1~2小时,在1400~1650℃温度下烧成,保温时间1~10小时。