
技术编号:1465115 阅读:187 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Glass treating composition for improving mechanical strength by repairing surface defect, corresponding treatment method and obtained treated glass

Special glass, flat glass and insulating glass, glass fiber surface treatment composition or in the form of the composition in the glass coating into a thin layer, characterized in that it contains the following groups in aqueous media points (A) and (B): (A) at least one containing at least a group of F: (A) the compound; and (B) at least one containing at least one functional group of F: (A) the compound, F, functional groups: (B) and coated on a glass ceramic or glass in a thin layer component (A) or the center functional group F: \(A). The reaction, thus by polycondensation and / or polymerization of the coating into solid layer; at least one belonging to the (A) and (B) compounds in the definition, it contains at least one silicon atom Connect the R O functional group, R represents the alkyl residues; and at least part of a compound containing at least one connected with the silicon atoms R O functional groups, these compounds and water or contact the media, they can be decreased from pre hydrolysis or spontaneous hydrolysis form produced by hydrolysis.


用于玻璃,特别地平板玻璃或中空玻璃,或纤维形式玻璃的表面处理的组合物,所述的组合物能在所述的玻璃上涂布成薄层,其特征在于它含有在含水介质中的下述组分(A)和(B):    (A)至少一种含有至少一个官能团f↓[(A)]的化合物;以及    (B)至少一种含有至少一个官能团f↓[(B)]的化合物,官能团f↓[(B)]能与涂布在玻璃上在薄层内的组分(A)的这个或中心官能团f↓[(A)]进行反应,从而通过缩聚和/或聚合反应使所述层转化成固体层;    -至少一种属于在(A)和(B)定义中的化合物,它含有至少一个与硅原子连接的R-O-官能团,R代表烷基残基;以及    -至少一部分含有至少一个与硅原子连接的R-O-官能团的化合物,这种或这些化合物与含水介质接触时,它们可以呈由发生预水解或自发水解所产生的水解形式。



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