
技术编号:1464970 阅读:251 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40
一种磷酸钙系微晶玻璃药物缓释载体的制备方法,其特征在于它包括以下步骤:    A)按CaO∶P↓[2]O↓[5]∶Na↓[2]O∶MgO∶SrO摩尔百分比为41.4~62∶9.80~46∶3.5~7∶1.5~3∶1.5~3将其原料研磨混合均匀,于1250~1350℃熔融3~4小时,淬冷制得透明块状生物玻璃,研磨过筛、备用;    B)将上述生物玻璃粉末成型为直径Φ20mm,厚5mm的圆片,在650~780℃进行微晶化处理,处理时间为4~12小时,得到主晶相为Ca↓[2]P↓[2]O↓[7]的微晶玻璃;或在800~900℃处理0.5小时,获得主晶相为Ca↓[2]P↓[2]O↓[7],还有少量锶磷灰石Ca↓[2]Sr↓[8](PO↓[4])↓[6](OH)↓[2]和Ca↓[9]NaMg(PO↓[4])↓[7]的微晶玻璃;    C)将微晶玻璃样品浸泡在30℃、1mol/L的HCl溶液中12~24小时,取出后用蒸馏水冲洗数次,得到孔贯通、孔隙率为40~67%的多孔微晶玻璃。

Preparation method of calcium phosphate glass ceramics drug slow release carrier

A preparation method of calcium phosphate glass ceramics drug carrier, characterized in that it comprises the following steps: A) according to CaO: P: 2 O: 5: Na: 2 O: MgO: SrO molar ratio is 41.4 to 62: 9.80 to 46: 3.5 to 7: 1.5 to 3: 1.5 to 3 of its raw material grinding and mixing uniformly, from 1250 to 1350 DEG C melting 3 ~ 4 hours, quenching prepared transparent bulk bio glass, grinding and sieving, spare; B) the bioactive glass powder molding for the diameter of 20mm, thickness of 5mm wafer, in 650 ~ 780 degree centigrade ceramics processing, processing time is 4 ~ 12 hours, get the main phase Ca: 2 P: 2 O: 7 ceramics Glass; or in the 800 to 900 DEG C for 0.5 hours, get the main phase is Ca: 2 P: 2 O: 7, there is a small amount of strontium apatite Ca 2: Sr: 8 (PO: 4): 6 (OH): 2 and Ca: 9 NaMg (PO: 4) microcrystalline glass: 7; C) glass ceramics samples were soaked in HCl solution is 30 DEG C, 1mol / L in 12 ~ 24 hours, removed after rinsed with distilled water several times, Kong Guantong, the porosity of 40 ~ 67% porous glass ceramics.





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