
技术编号:1462200 阅读:165 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Detachable fiber annealing extension tube

A detachable optical annealing extension tube, including a glass metal tube is fixed on the lower fiber drawing furnace and the internal tube. The upper end of the glass tube is fiber alignment of the outlet of fiber drawing furnace, glass tube and the supporting sleeve is provided with a clamping column supporting seat with the lower end of the metal tube and the lower end of the glass tube column card the supporting seat corresponding to the position with a bayonet and the clamping columns are mutually clamped, the utility model has the advantages of cleaning when drawing the fiber accumulation of impurities in the glass tube and the volatiles in need, as long as the glass tube on the supporting seat of the bayonet tube on the metal column from the card can remove the glass tube for cleaning, no will cool the fiber drawing furnace, saving time and energy, but also improves the production efficiency.





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