The utility model discloses a crawler transporter and tensioning device for tensioning device comprises a tensioning mechanism and an adjusting plate, the tensioning mechanism comprises a support, a transmission shaft, a spring, a spring seat and a slide cylinder, and the guide wheel on both sides of the front seat is fixedly connected with the rear end of the seat, the front end is connected with a transmission shaft and the back end of the transmission shaft is connected with the oil cylinder, a spring seat and a spring are sheathed on the transmission shaft and can move along the shaft, the back end of the spring is fixedly connected with the spring seat, the track beam is provided with a front pressing plate and the rear pressing plate spring limits the range of movement, the front pressing plate and the back pressing plate spanning the drive shaft, spring the front against the front plate, the rear spring seat against the rear pressing plate, bearing on both sides between the lug and the front plate clamp is provided with the adjusting plate. The utility model combines the elastic tension and the rigid tension, which can reduce the impact of the track traction transport vehicle when the no-load speed is high, and can avoid the phenomenon of \jumping teeth\ at the time of heavy load and low speed driving.
对于大型设备的运输,传统情况是选用平板车配合汽车牵引头来运输。但随着重量的增加,以及雨雪天气的影响,使得汽车牵引运输变得非常困难,传统的汽车牵引头已不能满足山地作业要求,因此便有了履带式牵引运输机。牵引运输机是一种依靠履带行走,能够在较差路面运输大型部件,为平板车提供牵引力,运输大型部件的一种工程机械。该机械的两种功能,分别对应两种工况:牵引机工况,运输机工况。两种工况的区别在于上车的装配结构件不同。履带式牵引运输机的牵引机工况:由于作为牵引机需要与后车连接,与后车挂点的位置就必须符合国内通用尺寸,不能过高。运输机工况:车体上方需安装运输平台,通常运输部件都比较大,考虑到稳定性,因此整车高度也不宜过高。同时为了方便运输,整车宽度也需满足公路运输设备宽度要求。即履带牵引运输机对整机的轮廓尺寸(空间)均有严格限制。履带牵引运输机在对整机的空间均有严格限制的前提下,还需为后车提供足够的牵引力,在重载状态下允许较低的行走速度,在空载状态下又需要较高的行驶速度,因此就需要一种合理的张紧装置。由于履带牵引运输机在空载时需要高速行驶,会对张紧装置产生很大的冲击,对履带梁的结构件会产生不利影响,甚至导致焊缝开裂等现象的产生;而在重载时低速状态下行驶,如果采用张紧弹簧的弹性连接方式,减速机输出的扭矩往往达到最大,履带板的张紧力也达到最大,往往会超过张紧弹簧的预紧力,导致张紧弹簧被完全压缩,遇到冲击时会导致张紧弹簧有一定程度的释放,很容易产生履带板与驱动轮 ...