The present invention relates to a float glass annealing furnace cooling device, which is characterized in that the annealing furnace is arranged on the top of two Typhoon aircraft 3, 18, 12 connected with the wind pipe between them, the wind pipe 12 is provided with three gate valve 13a, 13, 13b, 13a, 13 gate valve connected between the upper main air pipe 17, and the other end is two grade 16 is a collection tube, a collecting pipe is drawn from the annealing kiln 8 respectively and two collecting pipe 16 connected between the gate valve 13, 13b connected with the lower part of the main air pipe 4, transverse distribution of it and 5 at the bottom of the annealing furnace pipe 9 connected. The advantages of the invention are as follows: 1. when any fan fails, the gate valve of the fan can be closed, and the upper and lower main air pipes can be driven by another typhoon blower. So the wind machine maintenance and kiln temperature control is very convenient, it solves the temperature C of annealing furnace is too high for this 2. years of ills; fan system in the kiln top, to avoid the construction of the wind in the underground room, simplifies the pipeline system to reduce heat loss.
本专利技术的目的就是为解决现有技术中存在的土建结构复杂,退货窑外部风管管网庞大,能量损失大的缺陷,提供一种结构简单实用、温度控制方便可靠,维护方便的浮法玻璃退火窑风冷装置。为了实现上述目的,本专利技术采用了如下技术方案一种浮法玻璃退火窑风冷装置,它包括退火窑内腔上部设置一个上风汇总管,上风汇总管上连接4-6组小风管,每组小风管的另一端与一级汇总管相连,退火窑内腔下部设置一个下风汇总管,下风汇总管上连接4-6个大风管,每个大风管分别与一个横向分配管相连,其特征在于退火窑顶部设置两台风机,两台风机之间连有控制风管,控制风管上设置三个控制阀,每两个控制阀之间的控制风管上分别连接一个上部主风管和下部主风管,上部主风管的另一端和二级汇总管相连,退火窑内的每个一级汇总管分别和二级汇总管相连,横向分配管和窑顶的下部主风管相连。每个一级汇总管上可以设有控制阀。三个控制阀用于隔开上、下主风管的两台风机,使得两台风机构成各自相互独立的两个系统。当任一风机出现故障需要维修时,可以通过关闭和该风机相连的控制阀,同时打开另两控制阀,使得上、下部主风管相通,融为一个系统,由另一台正常工作风机带动。本专利技术的优点在于1、控制效果更加优越。由于采用两个冷却风管相互独立的系统,使得各自系统 ...