The utility model relates to a water pollution control aquaculture oxygenation material feeding machine, which is characterized by a blower (1), gas pipeline (2), water (3), (4) air diffuser etc.; the blower is connected with the gas pipeline connecting pipes, gas pipelines, gas pipelines connected with air diffuser put in the water pipes; the assembly is installed on the floating plate enclosed floating cage (9). The utility model oxygenation material feeding machine solves the problem of input organisms in the floating net box of oxygen and food. The air will be closed outside the cage floating water lifting out of the water and join the closed floating cage, the first is to solve the problem of water in the water due to hypoxia and suffocation; second is to increase the water activity; third is closed in the biological floating cage Everfount provide food; fourth is to improve the closed floating net cage aquaculture production, accelerate the speed of water pollution governance.
本技术涉及生物养殖和污水处理用装置,具体地说是一种生物养殖治理水污染的增 氧添料机。
污水治理目前还是一个世界性的难题。目前污水治理的方法大致可以分为化学法,物 理法和生物法三个大的技术路线。化学法需要添加化学药物,药物本身含有有害成分,因而 不适合在大面积的水域使用;物理法能耗大,成本高,效果有限。生物法治理污水的技术近 年来有比较多的实际应用,其效果也比化学法和物理法明显。生物法治理污水是利用水中生 物链和生物之间相生相克的关系,以培育和养殖一种或多种水生物的办法,来分解或吸收水 中的污染物和有害物质,以还原水的洁净。封闭式养殖是目前比较普片采用的水产养殖和治 理污水的办法,但是目前的封闭式网箱养殖不能充分和有效的吸收和分解封闭网箱之外的水 体的污染物和有害成分,在一定情况下还要向水体中投放生物的食料,造成新的污染;在水 体缺氧的情况下,网箱内的水生物因为缺氧而死亡。目前应用的封闭式养殖法所需的增氧添 料机还未见应用和报导。
本技术的目的是提供一种生物养殖和治理水污染的增氧添料机。该机能给水体增加 氧气和为封闭式浮网箱养殖的水生物添加食料。本技术的增氧添料机的构成是由鼓风机(1)、输气管道(2)、水管(3)、空气扩 散器(4)等构成;鼓风机连接输气管道,输气管道连接水管,空气扩散器接输气管道并置 于水管中;该组件都安装在封闭式浮网箱的浮托板(9)上。在浮托板的外侧,水管入水口 (6)的上方安装有多个夜光灯(10),鼓风机外有保护盖 壳(11),在保护盖内有充电器和备用蓄电池(12)。在生物养殖和治理水污染的系统中,采用封闭式浮 ...