
技术编号:1457219 阅读:206 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Environmental pollution control tourist ship

A kind of environmental pollution is mainly in the tourist boat hull is provided with a power supply, located on the hull adding strain measuring device is connected with the electric control device electrically connected with a power supply and is connected to the hull, and is connected by a control mechanism connected with the electric device and push the gas connection on the hull, while the wind device for gas thruster and connected with the electric connecting device. There is also dirt and garbage recovery equipment on the ship. The tourist boat uses electricity as power source, solid-liquid dirt, and can recycle tourist boats produced in the process of moving at the same time, in the process of moving ships can be added at any time to consume organic pollutants in water body of bacteria. The utility model can not only effectively prevent the pollution of the water body of the traveling ship in the course of traveling, but also effectively solve the problem of the polluted water body. Thus it can solve the bottleneck problem of tourism development because of water pollution.





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