Composite water purifier water decontamination equipment belongs to the small landscape landscape water, it includes the filter cylinder and the cylinder barrel is fixed on the degradation and degradation of filter tube filter tube; elastic filler bin, biochemical cotton warehouse and hybrid filler bin; a water inlet tube at the top of the degradation, the degradation of the cylinder equipped with vertical ultraviolet lamp and vertical cage the body, the cage is filled in the photocatalyst, the bottom cloth is connected with the cylinder through the degradation of the bottom of the elastic filler bin water pipe connected with the bottom of the top elastic packing warehouse biochemical cotton warehouse through water distribution pipeline, biochemical cotton warehouse bottom through the water distribution pipes and mixed filler silo bottom connection, mixed filling positions at the top of a water outlet. The utility model by matrix layer adsorption, absorption of pollutants and chemical reactions, reduce water COD, phosphorus removal and nitrogen removal of heavy metals and other organic matter; the utility model has the advantages of convenient operation, simple installation and sterilization effect, promote water reuse.
随着人们生活质量的逐步提高,景观水体已经逐步引进生活小区,作为城市旅游休闲中 极为重要的景观水体,其作用也越来越大。而景观水体面临着严峻的现状,由于城市景观水 体多为静止或流动性差的封闭缓流水体,水体自净能力低,容易受到污染。目前,市场上的景观水体的处理装置一般采用杀菌消毒法和曝气充氧法,杀菌消毒法即 为抑制水中菌类或藻类的成长,加入一定量抑制剂,曝气充氧法就是对水体进行人工曝气复 氧以提高水中的溶解氧含量,使其保持好氧状态,防止水体黑氧现象的发生。但是杀菌消毒 法可能对水中动植物产生负面作用,容易造成二次污染,曝气复氧法需要曝气设备,能耗大, 运行管理复杂和噪声大。
为了提供一种能提供消毒杀菌效果强,管理方便和不造成二次污染的景观水体除污设 备,本技术提供一种景观小水体的复合水净化器。本技术包括滤料筒和降解筒,降解筒固定在滤料筒内;滤料筒有弹性填料仓、生化 棉仓和混合填料仓;降解筒顶部有进水口,降解筒内装有竖置的紫外线灯和竖置的笼体,笼 体内填充有光触媒体,降解筒底部通过有布水管道与弹性填料仓底部连接,弹性填料仓顶部 通过布水管道与生化棉仓底部连接,生化棉仓底部通过布水管道与混合填料仓底部连接,混 合填料仓顶部有出水口。作为进一步的改进,本技术的光触媒体由纳米二氧化钛构成,弹性填料仓填充有毛 刷,混合填料仓填充有火山石、沸石和多孔碳酸钙;紫外线灯套有灯管护套,紫外线灯与降 解筒外的紫外线灯电源输出端连接。本技术利用纳米二氧化钛净化材料在紫外线光照射后对有机污染物具有良好 ...