
技术编号:14557541 阅读:153 留言:0更新日期:2017-02-05 11:57

Discrete pressure sensor and electronic equipment

Split type pressure sensor (1) and include a discrete type pressure sensor (1) of the electronic device, the discrete type pressure sensor (1) comprises a pressure sensor (14) and is mounted on the pressure sensitive film on the stress induction plate (12), the stress concentration induction plate (12) has a hollow area (122), (122) has a hollow area for centralized induction plate concentration applied in force (12) on the stress concentration point (1221), the stress concentration point (1221) and the pressure sensor (14) is arranged. When pressure is applied on the panel in the sense of force (12) of the hollow area (122), focused on the stress concentration point (1221), is transferred to the pressure sensor (14), converted to control information through the external circuit of electronic equipment, electronic equipment has the advantages of simple structure, control; the assembly accuracy is not high; in practice, will be directly pasted on the inside of the electronic equipment panel, the user through the touch panel (10) corresponding to the hollow area (122) position, can be obtained by the discrete pressure sensor (1), to achieve control of electronic equipment.





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