
技术编号:14557197 阅读:100 留言:0更新日期:2017-02-05 11:35

Method and device for processing HetNet system

The invention provides a processing method, a HetNet system includes: Acer Microcell and macrocell monitoring has opened the macro cell in the traffic carrying capacity, the traffic carrying capacity including the number of users or physical resources; when the macrocell traffic carrying capacity is greater than the first capacity and less than second carrying capacity, or the micro cell traffic carrying capacity is greater than the first sub capacity and less than second capacity, the Acer stand for the micro area distribution of CellID; when the macrocell traffic carrying capacity of more than second capacity or the small area of the traffic carrying capacity of more than second sub carrier when the quantity of the Acer station for the micro cell distribution of the CellID or scrambling, visible in the user macrocell or microcell number or physical resources is small, not for micro cell allocation cell number, In this way, the user does not need to switch the user type in and out of the micro area, which reduces the signaling burden in the macro cell.





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