Application of artificial wetland wastewater treatment method in seawater recirculating aquaculture system provided by the invention, the microstrainer filter, and then introduced the artificial wetland effluent microstrainer treatment; the artificial wetland for horizontal subsurface flow packed bed form, divided into before and after setting the surface area ratio of 1 to 2: 4 to the anaerobic zone and the aerobic zone 3 the two part, the anaerobic zone filler without plant, aerobic zone filler, planting salt tolerant plants; effluent microstrainer sequentially through the anaerobic zone and an aerobic zone after discharge, the influent anaerobic zone also includes aerobic zone effluent. The invention provides an artificial wetland treatment of seawater, denitrification ability and denitrification and phosphorus removal capability, a variety of ways to make use of the artificial wetland sewage flows through the process to deal with the suspended material, organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus, the effluent quality reached Chinese fishery water quality standard requirements, so as to realize water circulation use. Compared with the prior art, the invention has the advantages of good treatment effect, low cost, environmental protection and no pollution.
传统浅海养殖、海洋滩涂养殖等海水养殖方式因富营养化问题而对海洋环境的污染日益严重,同时养殖环境内的其他污染对海水养 殖业进一步发展的制约作用也在逐渐显现。循环海水养殖是一种将养殖用海 水循环利用的技术,因其既能满足集约化生产需求又不至于污染环境而被寄 予厚望,并具有节约占地面积和用水量、养殖周期短、产量及产品价格高等 优点。而循环海水养殖中的海水循环所需要的废水处理技术就是该种养殖方 式的核心技术之一。由于海水盐度效应,以及养殖废水中污染物结构与常见 陆源污水的差异,当前针对海水养殖废水处理的专有技术较少。现有的处理 方法考虑到其中污染物的多样性,普遍釆用物理方法和生物方法相结合的工艺,常规方法如过滤去除悬浮大颗粒物质—泡沫分离去除胶体和悬浮小颗 粒物质-生物滤器等生化处理去除溶解态有机物和营养盐—臭氧氧化去除病 原菌和难生物降解有机物,从而实现水质的净化和净化后回用。但这些方法 在实际应用中存在很多问题,如污泥产生,氨氮转化不彻底,容易产生N02-和NO/积累,耐沖击负荷能力差,运行成本高,管理不方便等等。目前,人工湿地作为一种生态工程化的废水处理技术已引起人们广泛关 注,其作用机理综合了物理、化学和生物三重协同作用,表现为过滤、吸附、 沉淀、离子交换、植物吸收和微生物代谢等多种途径,不仅能有效去除有机 物、氮、磷、重金属和病源微生物等,而且投资运行费用低,维护管理方便。 因此可用于循环海水养殖废水的处理。虽然,人工湿地目前已成功应用 ...