The invention relates to a flow sensor based on polymer and a preparation method thereof, which belongs to the technical field of flow sensors. From bottom to top as a support layer and a flexible substrate, thin film resistor layer, flexible covering layer, the thin film resistor layer includes a heating resistor, downwind measuring resistance and wind resistance measurement, the support layer for flexible substrate is arranged on one surface of the groove, groove is arranged on the heating resistor, just below the downwind direction measurement and measurement of resistance resistance. The flow sensor using the flexible substrate as the carrier, through the support layer with a groove is positioned under the substrate to reduce heat conduction, flexible substrate as the carrier flow sensor, the sensor can effectively improve the surface film structure strength, not easy to break and collapse, low temperature resistance, acid resistance, greatly improves the applicability of flow sensor of the invention; flow sensor using silicon substrate polymer supporting layer instead of the silicon nitride growth and etching process has been omitted, reduces the difficulty and cost of the process.
流量传感器已广泛应用于汽车发动机、石油天然气以及医疗设备中气体流量的测量,随着智能化发展的趋势,对新型的流量传感器的需求将越来越迫切。热膜式微型流量传感器是一种量热式传感器,是目前国际上最先进的气体流量检测技术,它是根据托马斯提出的“气体的放热量或吸热量与该气体的质量流量成正比”的理论,利用外热源对传感器探头加热,气体流动时会带走一部分热量使探头温度改变,通过测量因气体流动而造成的温度变化来反应气体的质量流量。传统的热膜式微型流量传感器包括基底、环境温度测试电阻、加热电阻和一对以加热电阻为中心对称分布的测温电阻,如图1所示。其测量气体流量的原理为:基底上的加热电阻通电流加热,当气体流道中没有气体通过时,在加热电阻两侧的温度场呈对称分布,对称分布的两个测温电阻的温度相等,传感器的输出为零,即气体流量为零;当气体以一定的流速流过时,由于气体和测温电阻、加热电阻之间发生强迫对流换热导致加热电阻两侧的温度平衡被破坏,两个测温电阻的温度变得不同,加热电阻上游的测温电阻被气体冷却其温度下降电阻下降,而下游的测温电阻被气体加热温度上升使电阻上升,从而使得上下游测温电阻之间产生电阻差,电阻差的大小和气体的流速呈正相关关系,通过测量测温电阻的差值即可得出气体的流量。流量传感器是以流体对温度场的改变为依据来实现测量的,所以,传感器向流体外的其他介质的热传递越小越好。为了减小热传递,通常采用导热系数很小的空气作为绝缘介质,使传感器悬浮起来,可有效减小热量向衬底的热传导。目前,流量传感 ...