
技术编号:14207655 阅读:84 留言:0更新日期:2016-12-18 15:22

Method and apparatus for transmitting data

The embodiment of the invention provides a method for data transmission, including error correction ability, can improve the decoding method: the sender determines the target code length L and the original code length K; according to the original code length K, generate the initial code, the initial code group including 2K initial codeword; according to the target code length and 2K the initial codeword in order initial code groups, generating superposition code groups, including 2K group code superposition superposition code, 2K code and 2K code. The initial correspondence, and the initial codeword and the corresponding superposition code overlay, generating codes set each packet to codeword block code in the collection, from the difference between the character code is + 1 or 0 character code distance between each codeword is packet each other code distance; according to the grouping code set, the original codeword encoding processing, from the collection of each packet packet code In the code word, the target block code corresponding to the original code word is determined, and the target word code is sent to the receiving end.





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