The invention discloses a method for automatically searching the horizon including vanishing point calibration method and system based on the horizon: the establishment of template; according to the current position of the horizon, generating the inverse perspective transformation matrix corresponding to the horizon; through the inverse perspective transform matrix to generate the horizontal line corresponding to the top view; overlooking the line detection map in determining the horizon is correct; if correct, it will be detected in the top view through the inverse perspective transformation to linear perspective, the perspective of the straight line in the intersection as the vanishing point; if incorrect, then according to the horizon template, the next one will continue to verify the horizon as the horizon. The invention utilizes the method of circular search, and the search pressure is allocated to the time dimension. In addition, the invention does not need any prior conditions, can realize the automatic calibration of the vanishing point, the real meaning of the realization of automatic vanishing point calibration.
基于视觉算法的高级驾驶辅助系统(ADAS),灭点位置是其中各项技术的关键输入信息,包括前车距离计算、行人距离估算、车道线检测。由于摄像头安装的差异性,导致灭点在所获取的图像中的位置千差万别,现有的ADAS系统一般通过人工标定或者自动标定确定灭点的位置。人工标定一般需要专业技术人员精确安装,成本过高,不做讨论。在自动标定灭点的方法中,常用方法包括:1.通过全图检测直线或车道线的方法本方法多通过在原图中用边缘滤波的方法过滤图像,再通过霍夫变换检测直线。在检测到的直线中,两两求交点,在所得的交点中,过滤掉不在图像中心区域的点,并以剩余点的均值位置作为灭点。2.借助G-sensor传感器和车道线检测本方法借助G-sensor传感器,获得摄像头俯仰角,然后根据成像原理估算出图像的地平线位置。然后利用车道线检测模块,取多条车道线的交点作为灭点。3.借助前车检测和车道线检测前车高度与摄像头高度的比例关系与地平线位置有以下关系: h o h t = v t - v b v o - ...