
技术编号:14189051 阅读:130 留言:0更新日期:2016-12-15 00:52

Method and apparatus for voice service switching in a single radio voice call continuity

The invention discloses a continuous switching method and device of a single radio voice call, through the MME record is received send gateway equipment carrying the delete request message, determine if MME received the bearer deletion request message, the MME does not send a message to delete the load indication gateway device and delete local voice business bearing resources, so the carrying the deletion of IMS voice service side of the MME, on the EPS side no voice service removed, to avoid the SRVCC process or the end of the session conflict; the reason for SRVCC switching, PCRF not to send heavy authentication request message to the gateway device, the gateway in the IMS side equipment for voice bearing removal process, thereby to avoid the SRVCC process conflict; or start delay timer in IMS, the delay time before the end of the IMS receiving PCRF sends session interrupt request message After the release of the IMS access legs, the voice is not initiated to carry the deletion process, thereby avoiding SRVCC process conflict.





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