
技术编号:14185625 阅读:90 留言:0更新日期:2016-12-14 16:24

Automatic swallowing card processing system for self-service equipment

An automatic self-service equipment for swallow back card processing system, including card circulation mechanism and driving system composed of card box, card transmission mechanism, card selection mechanism, the drive mechanism, the card card selection mechanism is connected with the driving system; the driving system and the automatic control system is connected with the back of the card to swallow the; the automatic control system of swallow back card TUNKA in self-service equipment, a receiving card is swallowed command to the drive system, the drive system drives the transmission mechanism and the receiving card card card card storage box, while the card storage location information is sent to the automatic control system in the back of the card into the customer; choose self-help services back card of the automatic control system of swallow back card, give information to confirm the identity of that when the customer identification, the card storage location information The drive system drives the card selection mechanism and the card transmission mechanism to push the card in the card box to the customer.





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