The invention discloses a traditional Chinese medicine preparation for treating kidney deficiency, which is composed of the following parts by weight of the ingredients: ginger 6 grams, 12 grams of radix puerariae, Fructus litseae 3 grams, 15 grams of black sesame, clove 2 grams, Radix Rehmanniae 20 grams, 1.5 grams of 5 grams of pilose antler, scorpion, gentian a mountain grass 4 grams, 5 grams, 37 6 grams, 12 grams of licorice. According to the formula that take medicine, will take medicine said mixed evenly, then washed, chopped herbs after drying to moisture content less than 1%, and then by grinding, 80 mesh screened, put the mixture in the cotton bag cooking for 40 minutes, then turn to low heat and steam for 20 minutes, with gauze you can get filtered, filtrate, traditional Chinese medicine treatment of heatstroke disclosed by the invention has Wenfei Huayin, sun Qi pain, diarrhea, tonifying liver and kidney, nourishing the five internal organs, essence and blood, Runchang dryness, tonifying kidney yang, inverse Wen Zhongjiang effect, has a good therapeutic effect on stroke, no recurrence.
肾虚指肾脏精气阴阳不足。肾虚的种类有很多,其中最常见的是肾阴虚,肾阳虚。 肾虚的症状:肾阳虚的症状为腰酸、四肢发冷、畏寒,甚至还有水肿,为“寒”的症状,性功能不好也会导致肾阳虚;肾阴虚的症状为“热”,主要有腰酸、燥热、盗汗、虚汗、头晕、耳鸣等。现代科学证明,当人发生肾虚时,无论肾阴虚还是肾阳虚,都会导致人的免疫能力的降低,有更多的证据表明,肾虚发生时,肾脏的免疫能力降低,而肾脏的微循环系统亦会发生阻塞,肾络呈现不通。所以对于肾虚的治疗应防治结合。男性神疲乏力、精神不振、活力低下、易疲劳;畏寒怕冷、四肢发凉(重者夏天肾脏也凉)、身体发沉;腰膝酸痛、腰背冷痛、筋骨萎软;性功能减退、阳痿、早泄、易患前列腺炎等;小便清长、余沥不尽、尿少或夜尿频多;听力下降或耳鸣;记忆力减退、嗜睡、多梦、自汗;易患腰痛、关节痛等;易患骨质疏松症、颈椎病、腰椎病等;虚喘气短、咳喘痰鸣;五更腹泻,或者便秘;身浮肿,腰以下尤甚,下肢水肿;小腹牵引睾丸坠胀疼痛,或阴囊收缩,遇寒则甚,遇热则缓;须发易脱落、早白;形体虚胖或羸瘦;反映在面部则色青白无光或黧黑。中医认为,肾虚多为长期积累成疾,切不可以用急于求成而用大补之药进补,或者用成份不明的补肾壮阳药物。
为了克服现有技术的不足,本专利技术的目的是提供一种有效的治疗肾虚的中药及其制备方法。为了实现本专利技术的目的,本专利技术采用了以下技术方案:一种治疗肾虚的中药,由以下原料制备而得:干姜3-10克,葛根5-15克,荜澄茄1-5克,黑 ...
1.一种治疗肾虚的中药及其制备方法,其特征在于它是由下述重量配比的物质制成:干姜3-10克,葛根5-15克,荜澄茄1-5克,黑芝麻9-15克,母丁香1-3克,熟地黄10-30克,鹿茸1-2克,全蝎3-6克,龙胆草3-6克,山甲5-9克,三七3-9克,甘草6-15克。2.根据权利要求 1 所述的一种肾虚的中药,其特征在于它是由下述重量配比的物质制成:干姜6克,葛根12克,荜澄茄3克,黑...