
技术编号:13223037 阅读:68 留言:0更新日期:2016-05-13 03:31

Discharging port of ash proof dust remover

The utility model provides a hanging proof dust collector outlet, including dust cone ash bucket outlet and ash valve, outlet ash bucket and the ash valve between the, is also provided with a blowing system, the blowing system including excessive flange, nozzle, air pipe, three, pipe and valve, the upper part of the flange is connected with the excess ash bucket is connected with the outlet, bottom ash valve, the air pipe connected by the pipe connector and the three, the three is in the excessive internal connection of a flange, wherein the nozzle joint with the three pass, the ball is in the air pipe, and the connection between the structure and the injection system, to the anti hanging dust collector out compressed air injection port material, avoid dust buildup, bypass, and hanging arch Ash, to ensure smooth flow through the discharge valve.





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