The utility model discloses a guiding device can reduce automobile drag, including flexible variable before bumpers, inflation control device and wheel guiding device; the front end of the flexible variable before bumpers set on automobile, including the first inflatable airbag is arranged on the body and carry insurance insurance to carry the front of the body, and is arranged on the first inflatable air inside the second inflatable balloon, the first inflatable balloon to the central conical air bag protruding forward; the pneumatic control device includes a controller, a gas cylinder, solenoid valve, the first air bag and second respectively through pipelines and solenoid valve connected to the gas cylinder inflatable sac; wheel guiding device comprises a wheel guide plate and a guide plate driving mechanism, wherein the wheel sliding guide plate is arranged on the outside of the wheel, the wheel guide plate is connected to the guide plate driving mechanism. The utility model can effectively reduce the running wind resistance of the vehicle and improve the utilization efficiency of the automobile fuel.
车身造型设计是一门很大的学问,其中重点就是车身重量、结构强度以及风阻问题。汽车风阻大都是指汽车的外部与气流作用产生的阻力。实际上,流经汽车内部的气流也对汽车的行驶构成阻力。研究表明,作用在汽车上的阻力是由5个部分组成的。一、外型阻力,指汽车前部的正压力和车身后部的负压力之差形成的阻力,约占整个空气阻力的58% ;二、干扰阻力,指汽车表面突出的零件,如保险杠、后视镜、前牌照、排水槽、底盘传动机构等引起气流互相干扰产生的阻力,约占整个空气阻力的14%;三、内部阻力,指汽车内部通风气流、冷却发动机的气流等造成的阻力,约占整个空气阻力的12%;四、由高速行驶产生的升力所造成的阻力,约占整个空气阻力的7%;五、空气相对车身流动的摩擦力,约占整个空气阻力的9%;目前针对第一、二种阻力,轿车车身应该尽量设计成流线型,横向截面面积不要太大,车身各部分用适当的圆弧过渡,尽量减少突出车身的附件,前脸、发动机舱盖、前挡风玻璃适当向后倾斜,后窗、后顶盖的长度、倾角的设计要适当。此外,还可以在适当的位置安装导流板或扰流板。通过研究汽车外部的气流规律,不仅可以设计出更加合理的车身结构,还可以巧妙地引导气流,适当利用局部气流的冲刷作用减少车身上的尘土沉积。部分车辆甚至针对不同时速对进气的需求不同,开发了可以在高速情况自动关闭的进口格栅。申请号为201120540281.1,名称为《一种汽车车轮导流装置》还公开了一种在车轮侧设置导流罩体,并通过滑动机构控制导流罩体,从而来降低风阻的技术方案。现有的汽车风 ...