The utility model relates to a multi link RF signal simulation device, including concentrator and a plurality of communication simulation unit; a communication unit is sequentially connected with a communication link simulation simulation of multi level formation, each communication simulation unit includes a communication cabinet and power device; each communication unit simulation communication cabinet is arranged in the electromagnetic shielding darkroom, electromagnetic shielding dark room with micro power wireless communication module; each communication simulation unit in power device has an input end and an output end of at least two, at least two output terminals in an electromagnetic shielding darkroom unit in micro power wireless communication module signal with the same level of communication simulation connection, at least two outputs in another and the next level of communication simulation unit in the power device is connected with the input terminal of a programmable attenuator signal; the highest level of communication The input end of the power division device in the analog unit is connected to the concentrator through a programmable attenuator. The utility model can simulate the large-scale micro power wireless network link.
,特别涉及一种射频信号多级链路模拟 目.0
国家电网公司坚强智能电网建设的总体要求,是保证智能电网建设规范有序推进,实现电力用户用电信息采集系统建设“全覆盖、全采集、全费控”。低压居民电能表抄读覆盖范围最广,用户量最大,是目标实现的重点。低压抄表系统按照抄表通信方式分有两类:有线和无线,主要方案有:RS485抄表系统、低压电力线载波抄表系统、无线抄表系统、混合抄表系统、塑料光纤抄表系统。这两大类抄表系统有其各自的优势和适用领域。近年来,低压电力线载波抄表占据了主流地位,在大规模现场应用和抄通性,稳定性和实时性方面取得了一些成绩,但是存在不足:低压配电网环境复杂,干扰大,低压电力线载波难以保证其抄表的稳定性。对于多台变供电的用电环境,由于载波串扰,不宜实施载波抄表方案;由于载波传输距离有限,需要通过中继方式保证抄表覆盖范围,对于农村、城乡结合部等低密度住宅不能做到全覆盖,实施难度很大。低压电力线载波速率低,实时性差,无法满足远程预付费,远程拉合闸的需求。微功率无线通信技术可以克服其他通信方式在某些抄表应用场景的不足,施工方便,不需要额外铺设电缆,一般工人都可以方便的进行安装;通信不受限于电网特性,可方便的对跨台区、复杂用电环境快速实施抄表方案;通信速率快,实时性高,方便实施远程预付费,远程拉合闸等应用。微功率无线通信的电能表或采集器等终端的通信性能直接决定了抄表效率,因此,对电能表或采集器等终端组成的微功率无线通信网络的通信性能需要进行模拟测试,而对于这种大规模微功率无线通信网络的测试,需要模拟的微功率 ...